06 February 2007

510: Dream text

Finally, a dream stuck with me when I woke up. Nothing exciting or as interesting as last week's dreams, but here goes:

I am at some kind of fair with my older sister. I hear from somebody that one of my favorite professors from my undergraduate school is in the book section, so I head there in order to see her. However, when I reach the room that used to contain the books, a bar greets me instead. At the bar, I see Derek, a fellow RA last year who I sat duty with and befriended. Although he was not and still is not old enough to be at a bar, he was in my dream. I greeted him with surprise and sat down to chat and catch up. Last year he seemed lost and not sure of what he wanted to do with his major or if he wanted to stay at IUP. In the dream (and in real life), it turns out he transferred to Penn State and switched his major to engineering. He seemed really happy and content with his life. He also seemed to have matured quite a bit since I last saw him.

Suddenly I am in a large truck (not semi-large, but F-350 large) with my little sister and Meghan's parents. (I was good friends with Meghan from 3rd grade until she seemed to fall off of the planet senior year.) We didn't talk about where we were going, but I knew that we were heading to Boston. I was telling them about my meeting with Derek and tried to explain who Derek was and why I was so happy for him since they did not know him.

The appearance of people from my past is probably remnant from my guilt of never calling or keeping in touch with anybody. I probably dreamed of Derek because our mutual friend Cody called me last week. Cody and Derek, apart from being friends, were kind of like two peas in a pod.

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