06 March 2007

550: an attempt at surrealism

I am having a really hard time writing surrealist poetry. I can't seem to let go control. Well, here's what I have so far.


You look nice today.
Did you get that sweater
at thrift shop? Because I made one
just like it
and donated it.

Blood, blood,
bloodstains, but the casket
was two feet shorter
than the man who lay

The bunnies hopped
out of his mouth
and scrambled across
the green grass.


I like the idea
of people running
for office. There’s a positive
effect when you run
for office. Maybe some will run
for office and say, vote
for me, I look forward
to blowing up America.
I don’t know,
I don’t know if that will be their platform
or not. But it’s –
I don’t think so.
I think people who generally run
for office say, vote
for me, I’m looking forward
to fixing your potholes,
or make sure you got
bread on the table.

-President Bush on 16 March 2005

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