02 May 2007

A dorky dream

I have been really bad about posting dreams and/or thoughts on class. I guess all of my writing lately has been dedicated toward the paper.

I did have a dream last night, however, that was too good not to share:

I was at a piercing salon on the west side of Bozeman considering a nose piercing. I decided I needed more time to think about it and headed home. As I approached the east side of Main, I saw Dr. Amy Thomas in a strange get-up: her hair was done up in a very Jane-Austen-like fashion and she was wearing a dress obviously inspired by Regency clothing. Obviously, this seemed out of the ordinary. A few blocks later, I saw a sign saying that Bozeman was having a festival dedicated to Jane Austen. There was a woman outside doing women's hair and a stand next door where women could pick out Regency-era dresses. I was so excited, I drove straight home and told my roommates. My cousin Emma was intrigued, so we headed down to get our hair done and get our dresses. When I sat down to get my hair done...Nathan woke me up for breakfast.

Alas! Looks as though I'll have to wait a little longer to partake in an Austen-dedicated affair!

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